April came and went by so fast; the month started off with a hysterectomy for me. Not the best way to start a month off, especially a few days before Easter. My hospital experience was horrible and it allowed me to be home early. This was very stressful on the whole family; the good thing was I woke up in my own bed on Easter morning.
Because I was laid up it made for some firsts. Since I became a mom this was the first time I had to completely let go of everything and let others do my job. There were firsts for David as well. I woke up Easter morning kinda sad knowing we would not be having our typical Easter dinner. Silly I know, I just love traditions! David came to the rescue; for the first time he baked a chicken, made homemade gravy, mash potatoes, and all the sides. I was so happy and proud of his great job. See he can cook when he needs to, now knowing this he will just have to start cooking more dinners.
After Easter I was blessed with my mom coming down to help us out. It was planned for her to be here for a week; it was approaching the day for her to depart us and she sensed my fear of her leaving so she stayed for another week. I was so blessed! She helped in so many ways, it really kept us balanced. I am very thankful that she was so willing to do all that she did. I love her!
Thank you mom, Peggy, and Laurie for all your help, also thanks to all the families that supplied dinner for us and Stacy for putting the dinners together.
At the end of the month we decided to go camping in Carpinteria. David thought it would keep me from doing work around the house. My father in-law Don joined us for the beginning of the trip and we had a great time with him. He is so easy to camp with! It was great David also did all the cooking, and I did a lot of reading. Our friends the Hester's were also camping there as well, that was nice to spend time with them as well. Mikayla and Jakob had a blast in their new wetsuits and boards! I am so happy they love the beach!
My little Wahine!
My Happy Boy!