Friday, November 18, 2011

Thankful day 18

I am so thankful that both of my children love and trust int the Lord along with David and I.

I just saw the mother from Illinois interveiwed on the today show. Last friday night her 10 year old daughter commited sucide by hanging herself in her closet. 10 years old. That is just sad. Mikayla is 9 I could not imagine. Her mother was saying that she was being teased and taunted at school for years. She even asked her parents to home school her on several occasions because of her struggles.  :(

I hope parents across the nation along with teachers wake up from this tragic event. The poor mom carries so much regret right now, I feel bad for her. She now wants tell her story to help other kids. It  is so sad that she is seeing this after the fact. So heartbreaking.

It really saddens me because she was one of may children who are lost inside and they are too young and not capable of voicing how they feel. Also maybe lacking the proper guidance and self esteem to overcome. My heart hurts for them.

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