Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 2012

March was filled with many fun events. The kiddos favorite had to be flying to the Pacific Northwest to surprise their cousin for her 8th birthday. My sister held Anzia's birthday celebration at the Great Wolf Lodge in Washington. That place was a blast and it was so fun to see the excitement in Anzia's face when we showed up to the hotel door. The hard part was as this was a water park so it was not easy capturing photos. Here is one from the hotel lobby....

After all the fun settled from our adventure north we regrouped and got back into the swing of schooling. With that came a field trip and we set sale to go whale watching. Although we didn't get to see any of those large majestic creatures we did get to see a few others. We started off with a view of some harbor seals; I would say that the big dude in the middle posed well!

After we set off past all the harbor jetties there were a few sea sick kiddos on board as the water was pretty choppy. As we did not get to see any whales we were blesses by witnessing a mega pod of dolphins. The crew that was on board informed us that it was 3 miles wide and it was amazing. Dolphins were shooting out in all different direction and causing such a stir in the ocean. This was well worth the trip.

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